is an organization founded by two women with a great passion, commitment and strong will to bring a profound change to an invisible generation.

About Us and Our Vision

In 2020, CHARMED & CHOSEN, INC became a reality.

The Founder, Shalanda Davis-Layton and Co-Founder, LaShaka Pleasant-Davis were meeting during the Pandemic to discuss financial services which lead to discussions about loss, life challenges faced with their own teenage/ young adult children and the hurting youth throughout Kern County. 

With the continued increase in the youth committing suicide due to mental illness and the wide spread of homelessness, the conversation became more in depth and personal dreams and goals were shared that were almost identical


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Our Event Calendar

View our event calendar of the upcoming conference, cultural, public expo, community events, workshops & more. 


Charmed & Chosen focuses on helping our youth with College preparation and STEM education: improve financial and education outcomes of students across Kern County. Resource areas: Financial literacy, FAFSA, College selection, application, Scholarship, Tutoring, SAT/ACT support. Increase exposure to Science Technology Engineering and Math (STEM) programs and combat stereotypes for students and families.


Self-awareness, Critical & Creative thinking, Decision making, Problem Solving, Effective communication, Empathy, Coping with emotions & stress


We equip program participants with skills needed for a life filled with positive changes that will last a lifetime.


provided for young men and women, boys and girls; fostering an atmosphere that allows youth to be and openly express themselves during group sessions or in private.


Resume preparation, job application completion process, mock interviews, professional attire, to individuals and communities in need.

Our Mission

Charmed & Chosen’s mission is to provide youth and young adults with resources, mentorship, practical life skills, financial fluency, job opportunities, mental wellness, and STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Math) introduction.

Over the last 4 years, Charmed & Chosen (C&C) has engaged with over 500 youth in Kern County. This includes 68% girls, 35% boys, and 2% women (through parent connections) from underserved communities. In 2022-2024, C&C empowered at-risk youth through weekly programs for 30 girls (ages 10-19) and community workshops for 350+ youth (ages 13-19) covering Mental Health Wellness, Financial Literacy, Career and Workforce Readiness, Social Emotional Learning, Self-esteem, and Empowerment. Additionally, we presented content at conferences to 400 youth (ages 13-19). In December ’24, we awarded two $500 scholarships through our Financial Literacy Experience at CTEC, and our Workforce Readiness Program successfully employed seven youth this year.

Fundraising helps us address gender gaps in health and education by hosting monthly sessions on health, mental wellness, and empowerment, providing necessary program materials. Partnering with organizations to share expertise, our surveys show that youth often feel invisible and unprepared for life. Thus, generating funds is essential to enhancing their lives through education and driving social change.

Our  empowerment programs are crucial because they:

  • Provide a non-judgmental space for youth.
  • Empower youth to change their mindset and gain confidence.
  • Increase health and mental wellness awareness.
  • Improve financial literacy and reduce education and employment disparities.

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